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Did you know that any firearm manufactured before today’s date 1975, qualifies as a Curio &Relic? 

If you have a C&R license and are purchasing a C&R firearm (which is over 75% of Pinto’s inventory) you don’t have a state waiting period and you don’t pay the $18 state background check fee.

C&R license holders may not be subject to pending firearm legislation, depending on how new laws are written

A C&R license is only $30.00 and it is good for 3 years.

Now that we have your attention, would you like to know how to apply for a C&R license?

Pinto’s is offering a free C&R seminar to help you apply for your license, maintain your C&R books, and answer other questions about applying for a C&R.  April 12th, 6pm at the shop.  Call now to reserve a spot.  

Pending legislation on firearms and ammunition.

This may not be a complete list; please let us know if we are missing something.

Senate Bills:

5099  Protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers.

5056  Concerning Washington state patrol providing firearm background checks when state record systems are unavailable.

5098  Restricting the possession of weapons on the premises of state or local public buildings, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be present, and county fairs and county fair facilities.

5140  Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms.

5349  Exempting a concealed pistol license holder from the prohibition against importing firearms classified as assault rifles.

5350  Concerning background check system for firearms transfers.

5257  Modifying sentencing standards for juvenile firearm offenses.

5268  Classifying unlawful possession of a firearm as a violent offense.


House Bills:

1118  Concerning restoration of the right to possess a firearm.

1132  Enhancing public safety by limiting bulk purchases and transfers of firearms and ammunition.

1139  Promoting public safety and deterring unlawful firearm possession by increasing criminal penalties for unlawful possession of a firearm.

1152  Enhancing public safety by establishing secure storage requirements for firearms in vehicles and residences.

1163  same as SB5140

1504  Enhancing public safety by requiring financial responsibility to purchase or possess a firearm or operate a firearm range.

1386  Imposing a new tax on firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition.

 Please read up on these bills and let your senator and representative know how you feel, and make sure to VOTE!!

Pinto’s Gun Shop is a second generation, locally owned business in the heart of downtown Renton, WA. We strive to continue the Pinto’s tradition of providing quality and collectable firearms at reasonable prices, the best possible customer service and the most reliable knowledge.

Our goal at Pinto’s is to make your shooting, collecting or reloading experience a fun one.

We provide several functions, including FFL transfers, new firearm sales and special orders, consignment sales and estate purchases. We also carry an extensive selection of reloading supplies; bullets, brass, powder and primers, as well as reloading equipment by RCBS, Redding, Lyman, MEC and more. We have a large selection of ammunition, including lots of hard to get and obsolete cartridges.

For more information, please call us at 425-227-9280. This website is intended for public representation of our current stock only and we do not process any purchases, consignments, or other sales through this site at this time. We encourage you to come see for yourself the quality of the stock we carry and our friendly staff is here to answer any and all questions you may have.